Almond chocolate almond mousse
Anise duck with star anise and ginger
slow-cooked chicken with star anise and ginger
Apple quince and apple pudding
Apricot apricot cardamon buns
Artichokes focaccia with grilled artichokes and parmesan
roast artichokes with mushrooms and thyme
Aubergine aubergine and broccoli laksa
Bacon roast haddock with smoked bacon and parsley
Baked Potatoes baked potatoes with salt, cod and parsley
baked potatoes with leeks and fontina
baked sweet potatoes with chilli butter
Bananas baked bananas with passion fruit
Batter batter for deep fat frying
Beef cold roast beef sandwiches with caramelised garlic and basil sauce
Blueberry pear and blueberry juice
Bread focaccia with grilled artichokes and parmesan
taleggio focaccia
Broccoli aubergine and broccoli laksa
Buns apricot cardamon buns
fig and candied peel buns
Burke, Kathy Kathy Burke's spaghetti with fontina and spinach
Cabbage boiled gammon and red cabbage with juniper sauce
carrot, watercress and cabbage juice
red cabbage with juniper and dill
savoy cabbage and mushroom cannelloni
Calamari fried squid with smoked paprika and anchovy mayonnaise
Camembert baked camembert
Cannelloni savoy cabbage and mushroom cannelloni
Cardamon chocolate clusters with orange peel, pistachio and cardamon
orange jelly with lemon and cardamom
Carrot carrot and pink grapefruit juice
carrot, watercress and cabbage juice
Carrozza mozzarella in carrozza
Celeriac potato and celeriac tart
Cheese baked camembert
focaccia with grilled artichokes and parmesan
grilled polenta with fontina and sage
mozzarella in carrozza
panchetta and parmesan risotto
Kathy Burke's spaghetti with fontina and spinach
taleggio focaccia
toasted cheese and ham sandwich

Chicken grilled chicken with thyme leaves salt and garlic butter
slow-cooked chicken with star anise and ginger
Chilli baked sweet potatoes with chilli butter
chilli sauce (for dipping)
Chocolate chocolate almond mousse
chocolate clusters with orange peel, pistachio and cardamon
hot chocolate pudding
vanilla ice cream and warm chocolate sauce
Celery celery, apple and watercress juice
Cod baked potatoes with salt, cod and parsley
thai fishcakes
Curry thai green vegetable curry
Dal dal
Dill red cabbage with juniper and dill
Duck duck with star anise and ginger
Eccles cakes Julie Duff's eccles cakes
Ginger eccles
Eggplant (see aubergine)
Fennel fennel watercress and pear salad
Figs baked figs with orange and vin santo
fig and candied peel buns
Fishcakes thai fishcakes
Frozen Yoghurt frozen yoghurt with vanilla, rhubarb and honey
Focaccia focaccia with grilled artichokes and parmesan
taleggio focaccia
Fontina baked potatoes with leeks and fontina
grilled polenta with fontina and sage
Kathy Burke's spaghetti with fontina and spinach
Gammon boiled gammon and red cabbage with juniper sauce
grilled gammon steaks with baked onions

Ginger duck with star anise and ginger
slow-cooked chicken with star anise and ginger
red braised pork with shiitake and ginger
Grapefruit carrot and pink grapefruit juice
Grill pan  
Guinea fowl roast guinea fowl with mushrooms, sage and buttered polenta
Haddock thai fishcakes
roast haddock with smoked bacon and parsley
Halibut roast halibut with capers lemon and parsley
Honey frozen yoghurt with vanilla, rhubarb and honey
Hot chocolate real hot chocolate
Ice cream vanilla ice cream and warm chocolate sauce

Jelly orange jelly with lemon and cardamom
Juice carrot and pink grapefruit juice
carrot, watercress and cabbage juice
celery, apple and watercress juice
pear and blueberry juice
pinapple orange and mint juice
Juniper boiled gammon and red cabbage with juniper sauce
red cabbage with juniper and dill
Laksa aubergine and broccoli laksa
Leeks baked potatoes with leeks and fontina
leek tarragon and mushroom risotto
Lemon lentil soup with lemon panchetta and mint
orange jelly with lemon and cardamom steamed orange and lemon pudding
Lentils dal
lentil soup with lemon panchetta and mint
Malt Loaf malt loaf with warm fig jam and clotted cream
Mayonnaise fried squid with smoked paprika and anchovy mayonnaise
Mint lentil soup with lemon panchetta and mint
pinapple orange and mint juice
Mozzarella mozzarella in carrozza
Mushrooms baked onions with porchini and cream
dried mushrooms
leek tarragon and mushroom risotto
mushroom pappardelle
red braised pork with shiitake and ginger
roast artichokes with mushrooms and thyme
roast guinea fowl with mushrooms, sage and buttered polenta
savoy cabbage and mushroom cannelloni
Mussels turkish battered mussels
Nuoc cham Nuoc cham
Onions baked onions with parmesan and cream
baked onions with porchini and cream
grilled gammon steaks with baked onions
Oranges baked figs with orange and vin santo
chocolate clusters with orange peel, pistachio and cardamon
orange jelly with lemon and cardamom
pinapple orange and mint juice
steamed orange and lemon pudding

Panchetta lentil soup with lemon panchetta and mint
panchetta and parmesan risotto
Parmesan baked onions with parmesan and cream
panchetta and parmesan risotto
focaccia with grilled artichokes and parmesan
Passion Fruit baked bananas with passion fruit
Pasta Kathy Burke's spaghetti with fontina and spinach
mushroom pappardelle
Pear pear and blueberry juice
fennel watercress and pear salad
Pinapple pinapple orange and mint juice
Pistachio chocolate clusters with orange peel, pistachio and cardamon
Polenta grilled polenta with fontina and sage
roast guinea fowl with mushrooms, sage and buttered polenta

Popcorn popcorn
Porcini baked onions with porchini and cream
savoy cabbage and mushroom cannelloni
Pork grilled pork salad
red braised pork with shiitake and ginger
Potatoes baked potatoes with salt, cod and parsley
baked potatoes with leeks and fontina
baked sweet potatoes with chilli butter
potato and celeriac tart
spiced roast potatoes
Pudding hot chocolate pudding
quince and apple pudding
steamed orange and lemon pudding

Quince quince and apple pudding
Red cabbage boiled gammon and red cabbage with juniper sauce
red cabbage with juniper and dill
Rice 20-minute rice pudding
basil-scented vegetable rice
fragrant brown basmati rice
leek tarragon and mushroom risotto
spicy fridge rice
Risotto leek tarragon and mushroom risotto
pancetta and parmesan risotto
Rhubarb frozen yoghurt with vanilla, rhubarb and honey
Salads fennel watercress and pear salad
Sandwiches cold roast beef sandwiches with caramelised garlic and basil sauce
malt loaf with warm fig jam and clotted cream
mozzarella in carrozza
sausage and onion sandwich
steak panini with mustard mayonnaise
toasted cheese and ham sandwich
Sausages sausage and onion sandwich
Shiitake red braised pork with shiitake and ginger
Soup lentil soup with lemon panchetta and mint
Squid fried squid with smoked paprika and anchovy mayonnaise
grilled squid
Star anise duck with star anise and ginger
slow-cooked chicken with star anise and ginger
Steak steak panini with mustard mayonnaise
Spaghetti Kathy Burke's spaghetti with fontina and spinach
Spinach Kathy Burke's spaghetti with fontina and spinach
Sweet potatoes baked sweet potatoes with chilli butter
Taleggio taleggio focaccia
Tarragon leek tarragon and mushroom risotto
Tarts potato and celeriac tart
Thai fishcakes thai fishcakes
Thai green curry thai green vegetable curry
Thyme grilled chicken with thyme leaves salt and garlic butter
roast artichokes with mushrooms and thyme
Vanilla frozen yoghurt with vanilla, rhubarb and honey
vanilla ice cream and warm chocolate sauce

Watercress carrot, watercress and cabbage juice
celery, apple and watercress juice
fennel watercress and pear salad
Winter salads fennel watercress and pear salad
Yoghurt frozen yoghurt with vanilla, rhubarb and honey